Friday, 11 October 2013

I'd like to thank God and...

...Down to Earth Mother - for the sweet shout-out also known as, THE LIEBSTER AWARD!

Being pretty new to this whole blogger shang, I'd never heard of this award until my favourite go-to greenie, Jo from Down to Earth Mother (she gives awesome eco-living tips for busy mums), slapped one in my virtual face. Huzzah! Aw shucks, thankyouverymuch.

So what the hell is it? Turns out it's an initiative which started in Germany a while back where bloggers help other bloggers reach more readers - can you feel the love yet? No coincidence that 'liebster' translated means sweetest, kindest, most favourite, beloved, liked above all, etc. (blush).

In accepting this Liebster Award I'm to: write a post answering the 10 questions asked by my nominator, list 3-5 blogs I feel also deserve to be loved up Liebster style, give them my own list of questions and link the hell out of everyone.
Basically it's like 'Pay it Forward' the movie, but in blog world. And speaking of that freaky-looking child star Haley Joel Osment, if you're wondering what he's up to now then this is your lucky day cos' you're in for one KER-AY-ZEE treat. Forget about dead people - I see chest hair! Here you go... WARNING: you can never unsee this.

Alrighty, if you're still with me and not passed out from shock after seeing 'The Sixth Sense' kid all manned up, then let's get down to business.

Here are my answers for Down to Earth Mother:

1. What are three things even your readers don't know about you?
I was on a TV game show once, I like my son's smurf figurines more than he does, and I wish I was a kick-ass breakdancer.

2. Are you a one-book-at-a-time kind of gal or do you have three on the go?
Definitely one at time - what is with you people who read dozens at the same time? Just finish one already and then move on!

3. What gets you out of bed in the morning (literally)?
My one year-old calling out for me from his cot as he jumps up and down shaking the bars.

4. What gets you out of bed in the morning (figuratively)?
Living another wonderful day with the hubby and chuckleheads (and furball).

5.  Best food experience ever?
Toss up between what was possibly the world's most expensive steak at the world's most expensive hotel (the Burj Al Arab in Dubai), and great eggs benedict whenever I have it (which is all the time - because I live for that dish).

6. Favourite country and why?
Australia of course, that's why I live here. Sure it's got flaws but the way of life is second to none, the people are awesome and we're far away from the rest of the crazy world.

7. Why would you make a better PM than Tony Abbott?
I wouldn't - I'm a shocker with politics. He might be far from ideal, but at least he's got about 20 years on me in the game.

8. What's the greenest thing you did this week?
I went to Coles with a gigantic bag of plastic packaging, wrappers and bags for their RED Group plastics recycling bin.

9. What would you tell your 15 y/o self?
Go hard on your dreams no matter what anyone says, and don't put them off for down the track because you'll never have as much time as now to create them and develop your skills.

10. What will you tell your 15 y/o daughter?
I don't have a daughter (we have two sons), but if I manage to convince my husband to have a third child and it happens to be a girl, well then I'd have to say "You're one lucky young lady!"

Now here are my nominations - blog your hearts out people!

The Dave & James Blog
Glamour Coastal Living
Lia Halsall 
JDZ Designs
The Purple Notepad

And if any of the above wish to do the whole post/question thing, here you go guys:
  1. What was your last dream about?
  2. If you woke up tomorrow and were 8 years old again, what would you do?
  3. One Direction - awesome or shite?
  4. What are your favourite tracks you're listening to right now?
  5. If you could have one superpower what would it be?
  6. What food do you hate the most?
  7. If you could eat only one thing for the rest of your life what would it be?
  8. Cats or dogs? Pick a side.
  9. If you could have your time again, what profession would you take?
  10. Aliens - real or not?
Thanks again Down to Earth Mother - you rock!

photo credit: Robert S. Donovan via photopin cc


  1. Thank you so much for Nominating me! I am so excited! Thanks for making my Friday morning.

  2. Baaahaaa, thanks for making me laugh on this busy Friday morning. I'm off to check out your nominations. Keep up the good shite, hot stuff xxxx

  3. Thanks Susan! I was so chuffed :) I have linked you to my post - hope you had a great weekend x

    1. No worries! Great post - loved your answers, especially the last one on aliens! Haha :)


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